Saturday, 13 June 2015

Fashion Inspiration no. 1

Let's hope this dedication to blogging keeps happening! I thought I'd just post a few inspirations that I take fashion ideas from, celebrities, models, designers and other bloggers that I admire. This will probably be a fashion inspo post of many as it would otherwise  be very long haha! I'm not sure quite what my style is, but when I asked my little petite friend Cass she said I quite often mix 'cute with the glam ... often bold and creative'. I see what she means; I can't go anywhere without a slick of lipstick!

I love high waisted skirts and shorts as well as a pair of doc martens, and charity shops are a real passion of mine. I'd much rather buy lot of clothes and have the options of many different outfits rather than splurge on a really expensive piece. Yes, my wardrobe is bursting! I tend to look for cheaper versions from more expensive pieces that I take inspiration from. Which takes us back to this post...

Some of my favorite bloggers include Kayla Hadlington
( - I love her quirky sense of style and the way she mixes pastel colors. And I wish I could make colored hair look as good as she does hahaha. Her friend JoJo is also incredible at makeup ( Seriously check these girls out they're amazing and creative.



I also really love Kavita at - she always manages to look so well put together, and has had so many opportunities to travel from her work and blog - I want her lifestyle real badly!
Other mentions should go to Sammi over at, and Helen Anderson at

Both of these lovely girls have amazing tattoos and can also be found on youtube.
Sammi at
Helen Anderson 
So this post is already quite long and I feel I've barely started! I'll continue this series of posts in due course no doubt. Let me know who some of your fashion inspirations are!
Thanks for reading! xx

most fab girl in the world

So I've been thinking about making one of these for a while and I've finally gotten round to it hahaha. Since I am new to this blogger thing you might want to know a bit about me, my name is Bethany and I'm 19. I am at University studying psychology and american studies and I just completed my 1st year. I love fashion and have done since I was around 15 and I'll probably use this blog to post some outfits and makeup ideas and just any inspiration that I find. I'll probably also post a few feminist rants too (yes I am a feminist :O) and just any useful advice and tips on uni and life in general.
Thanks for reading! x